Nobility of Husband

The lesson of endurance was taught when the father and son tossed the football in that backyard. And the lesson of perseverance was practiced when brothers lined-up against brothers. Now the lesson is one of intimacy. The man of the house is not really king of his castle, but a noble knight in a sanctuary.

Men who are husbands are charged with nothing less than guarding woman. This is how the genius of our masculinity is revealed when a man becomes husband of woman. We must look to both Adam and Joseph briefly.

God commanded Adam to guard the garden when he settled him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and care for it. This garden of Eden represents the source of life on earth. Yet by the time we learn of the Fall of Man, the serpent has already entered the garden and tempts Eve. Where is Adam? His heart was hardened. Why is Eve seemingly alone in the garden? The two were to cling and be one! Man was to not only guard the garden, but to cultivate it. Look what happens when the genius of our masculinity is not only neglected but forgotten!

We turn our attention to St. Joseph, husband of Mary. Upon careful reading of the Gospel of Matthew, something hidden is revealed about the genius of our masculinity. Man returns to being a true husband of woman in Joseph. In reading the genealogy of Jesus, the names listed highlight a proud patriarchal line with a few exceptions (see Matthew 1:1-16). When you finally get to Joseph, he is referenced as “the husband of Mary” (Matthew 1:16). God has restored in Joseph and Mary the genius of spouses, both the masculine and feminine. Mary is raised up by the protection of Joseph. This becomes more apparent in the complete reading of Matthew’s Infancy Narrative.

Why is this important? Joseph is often hailed as a model of fatherhood, in a foster sense. Yet I suggest that Joseph is our perfect model of the husband of woman. He demonstrates the genius of our masculinity as husband, not father! Nobility transformed this devout Jew, brother of the Lord, into the husband of woman, the woman, Mary! Joseph’s role as guardian and protector of the Holy Family was because he was the husband of Mary, not the father of Jesus. This highlights for us who too are called to be husband of woman.